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Automatic Watering Systems & Irrigation Kits for Small Gardens
Why buy the cheapest imitation of the real thing. Spend a little more and Try this 50metre Roll of Leaky Pipe® Porous Rubber Soaker Hose with Connectors Provided. See How it Reliably Works. Always in stock and Fast delivey. Extendable and Proven.
This 50m soaker hose kit is an economical package to buy and benefit from saving your plants from moisture stress, getting them to grow faster. You get 50metres of LeakyPipe®(LP12H), Two 12mm barbed plugs & the green and black fitting is a Hosesnap to 12mm barbed tee.
This 50metre Hose Pipe Kit will Easily Irrigate up to 50m as a Single Length.
Start watering here with a connector supplied. It will allow you to cut your roll into two lengths of your choice. Then connect the those lengths of LeakyPipe® to hosepipe using the green and black, hosesnap to barbed tee fitting, to work them at once. Alternatively, if you want to just run one length of Leaky, just cap-off the redundant tee with a short piece of LP and the spare 12mm barbed plug. Simple and quick.
Proven to last and relieve you from the work of watering your plant collections, everywhere. A kit of 100m of LeakyPipe with a selection of 27 connectors including HoseSnap fittings for Planters, Beds and Borders.
Try the original 100m roll of LeakyPipe® Hose Pipe Kit
✔ Designed to water newly planted and established herbaceous borders.
This watering kit includes a superb porous hose which weeps water along its length.
This is a cost-effective leaky pipe irrigation system to water your garden borders. Includes 100m roll of LeakyPipe® with push-fit barbed connectors. Cut the LeakyPipe® LP12H into lengths as you lay it out and connect together to your hosepipe or 16mm black, Supply Pipe. You can work the whole 100metres at one time, evenly.
A typical household tap pressure can water up to 300m LeakyPipe at one time. So you won't need the tap on much for all 100metres to work! This high quality rubber hose pipe will not perish or be affected by frost.
✔ It is reasonably flexible so you can snake it back and forth to water your borders, beds and shrubs.
✔ Specifically designed to easily water newly planted and established herbaceous borders, trees and hedgelines shorter than 100m.
✔ Includes connectors. Always in stock!
✔ It has proven to last in excess of ten years.
Buy a reliable hose pipe kit & Save time to water your plants. Arrange as rings or spiral around newly planted trees to aid their establishment. It works most efficiently when covered by a mulch or soil as evaporation is reduced. Overall you use less water with LeakyPipe than watering by hand and it will work out-of-sight whilst you enjoy your garden.
This hose pipe kit uses LP12H LeakyPipe
The LP12H is designed to be ideal for general purpose watering. This garden hose pipe is specifically manufactured by us to work on top of the ground, if you wish, as well as sub-mulch, working up to 50metres from the barbed connections. See video information here.
Buy this great quality hose pipe kit, which includes:
- 100 metres of LeakyPipe LP12H Porous Rubber Hose. This LeakyPipe® is not designed to used from a water butt, without pumping.
- 5 of 16-12 Reducer Connectors (Supply to LeakyPipe®).
- 5 of 16-12-16 Reducer Tees (Supply-Leaky®-Supply).
- 1 of 16-16-16 Tees (Supply-Supply-Supply).
- 2 of 12-12-12 Tees (To "Branch" LeakyPipe® to itself).
- 10 of 12 plugs (A tidy way to plug LeakyPipe® ends).
- 2 of 16 plugs (A tidy way of sealing 16 supply pipe).
- 2 of 12-12 connectors (To connect Leaky-Leaky).
- 1 of Hosesnap-12 connector (Hose to Leaky®)
- 1 of Hosesnap-12tee connector (Hose to two Leakies)
N.B. 16 will fit both Supply piping and 1/2" garden hose, (even though the latter is a tight fit). Also available in 50m, 100m, 250m, 400m rolls, with and without connections.
See this narrated video on system concepts and design.
Or the silent Video about LeakyPipe layout in Gardens on the next tab
A fully comprehensive Garden Hose Kit of LeakyPipe, SupplyPipe, Timer and Connectors for the person who wants to put an automatic watering system together, really quickly!
Trust LeakyPipe® to water your investment. This is a great deal for 100metres of LeakyPipe, Connections, SupplyPipe; Timer to take the watering chore away from Gardening.
This 100 metres package is tailored for an application that may use a variety of lengths from 100 to 150 metres of LeakyPipe. So there's scope to add more later, should you wish. This Kit uses LP12H LeakyPipe, which is designed to be ideal for general purpose watering.
This LeakyPipe is specifically manufactured by us to work on top of the ground, if you wish, but it's better sub-mulch or soil, working up to 50 metres from every barbed connection. It has proven to last more than ten years. Ideal for watering beds and borders, planters, trees and hedge lines (up to 50m long). It operates under water pressures of up to 2.5 bar. Ideal would be between 1-2Bar (15-30psi).
High-quality items included:-
- 100metre roll of LeakyPipe® LP12H Porous Rubber Hose.
- 50 metres of external diameter 16mm Black LDPE Supply Pipe.
- 1 of Orbit made, "Buddy One" Timer for Tap Connection. See here
- 5 of 16-12 Reducer Connectors. (Supply to LeakyPipe).
- 10 of 16-12-16 Reducer Tees. (Supply-Leaky-Supply).
- 3 of 16-16-16 Tees. (Supply-Supply-Supply).
- 5 of 12-12-12 Tees. (To "Branch" LeakyPipe to itself).
- 15 of 12 plugs. (A tidy way to plug LeakyPipe ends).
- 2 of 16 plugs. (A tidy way of sealing 16 supply pipe).
- 2 of 12-12 hose connectors. (To connect Leaky-Leaky).
- 2 of 16-16 hose connectors. (To connect supply pipe to your hosepipe if you wish)
50m of LeakyPipe and connectors to water several rows of vegetables (including 5 isolation taps)
Grow your own Vegetable Plot with our 50m Watering Kit
Perfect for DIY watering of the fruit and vegetable plot, our watering system is a starter kit containing 50m of LeakyPipe® with a high leak rate (LP12UH) and all the connectors you're likely to need to lay out a watering system, specific to your own vegetable patch.
This irrigation system specially designed to water vegetable plots is really easy to use. Simply cut the LeakyPipe® hose to match the lengths of your rows with secateurs.
A complete Watering Kit for your Vegetable Plots
We've put together pipes and parts to supply you a great kit for efficiently watering these cropping areas. Our 50m vegetable plot watering kit contains enough connectors for 10 rows of vegetables, 5 of which can have isolation taps. It also includes end plugs and 'tee's' to branch the LeakyPipe®.
You will need to supply some garden hosepipe or 16mm supply polypipe to act as a non-leaking header pipe, from which the LeakyPipe® soaker hose branches off. Our porous rubber hoses are used sub-surface by UK Commercial Growers so they'll help you get great crops!
Connectors include:
- 1 of 16-16-16 equal Tee (to 'Tee' hosepipe and start making a header)
- 10 of 16-12-16 reducing Tee (to connect LeakyPIpe to the header)
- 2 of 16 plug (seals end of hosepipe manifold)
- 15 of 12 plugs (seals end of LeakyPipe)
- 5 of 12mm in-line taps (to isolate rows of LeakyPipe)
- 5 of 12-12-12 equal Tee (to branch LeakyPipe)
- 1 of HoseSnap to 16 straight (clip your hose to the manifold)
This is a great deal for 50metres of LeakyPipe, Connections and SupplyPipe.
Ideal for raised garden beds, raised borders, raised troughs or planters.
A comprehensive Kit to discreetly water up to 25m2 of raised beds or planters. Customise your kit by selecting sufficient connectors for 2-6 raised beds and choose between several options for supply pipe.
This kit includes lots of push-fit 'elbow' connectors to help fit an irrigation system to existing raised beds, borders, planters and troughs. You will need non-leaking supply pipe to carry the water up and over the wall of your bed. You can choose supply pipe to be included in your kit, or use small amounts of 1/2" garden hosepipe, which will also work with the connectors. Once at soil level, the pipe size 'reduces' down to that of LeakyPipe. The LeakyPipe can be laid on the surface or covered in mulch which helps water wicking away from the LeakyPipe. Arrange the LeakyPipe around your plants. Moisture spreads outwards for about 12 inches / 30cm either side. If you need to branch the LeakyPipe within the bed, 'tee' connectors are included, as are 'plugs' for the ends of LeakyPipe.
A nail-in pipe clip keeps the pipe neatly in place on top of the wall of your raised bed / border. Lastly, a quick-connect hose-snap connector will allow connection to your garden hose.
This Kit includes 50m roll of LP12H LeakyPipe, which is designed to be ideal for general purpose watering, working up to 50metres from the barbed connections. It has proven to last in excess of ten years.
How to customise your kit
- Select the number of raised beds you have
- Select if you would like any supply pipe (size and length). The fittings will be adjusted to ensure they are compatible with your selection.
- Double check the total area of your beds do not exceed 25m2 - this will ensure that 50m of LeakyPipe at 50cm spacing is sufficient for your beds.
Items included:
- 50m roll of LeakyPipe LP12H Porous Rubber Hose
- 1 of 16-16-16 Tee. (Allows branching of your supply network)
- 2 of 16 plugs. (A tidy way of sealing supply pipe or garden hose)
- 2 of 12-12 connectors. (To connect Leaky-Leaky, a useful repairer)
- 1 of HoseSnap to 16mm single straight connector (quick snap-on connection to regular garden hose)
- 1 of 16mm tee adaptor (to allow quick snap-on connection to 2 lengths of supply pipe)
Each bed will get an additional set of:
- 1 of 16-16-16 tee. (To branch supply pipe up behind your bed)
- 3 of 16 elbows (To bring supply pipe neatly over the wall of the raised bed)
- 1 of 16-12 reducer (To reduce pipe size to that of LeakyPipe)
- 1 of 12-12-12 tee (To branch LeakyPipe within the bed) 2 of 12 plugs (to seal the end of LeakyPipes)
- 1 of nail-in pipe clip (To keep supply pipe neatly in place on top of the retaining wall)
Imagine this. Firstly, find a way of running the Supply tubing onto all the places you wish to water. Use the Tee connection fittings and a pair of cutters, to tailor the tubing to give you a "Distribution Network" to carry the water to where you will be connecting the Leaky Pipe with the reducing connections. Run the LeakyPipe near to the plants, - (within 30-50cm as the water will spread laterally) and plug the ends. (See this Video about fittings).
A versatile kit allowing you to water 10 hanging baskets or patio pots.
A package containing 10 pressure-compensating button drippers, 10metres of fine "spaghetti" tube and 10 plastic stakes to retain the end of the tube, where you want the drips to fall from. The drippers are for insertion into sidewall of 16mm and 20mm black, LDPE polytubes (and some hosepipes).
The Spagetti tube is 4mm in diametre and is to discreetly carry the water from the output of the dripper to the hanging basket or patio pot. The stake is to retain the open end of the tube in position when working. (Detach the stake and jam the pointy end back into the end of the tube, to make a temporary seal).
Small selection pack of 12 connectors.
Connects LeakyPipe to 16mm or 20mm supply pipe or garden hose.
A selection pack of 12 barbed fittings which will enable a range of designs to be made up using LeakyPipe and 1/2" garden hose, 16mm or 20mm polytube supply pipe. This pack is suggested to be used with a 50m roll of LeakyPipe in terms of providing a good range and number of fittings that you may want for setting up an irrigation system. If you have 100m roll of LeakyPipe, consider a large selection pack.
The small 12mm ends will fit LeakyPipe. The larger ends can either be size 16 (fits 1/2" garden hosepipe or 16mm supply pipe) OR size 20 (fits 20mm supply pipe). Make your selection above.
This Pack of Barbed Fittings Contains:
- Two - large equal tee, (allows branching of supply pipe in T shape).
- Two - large size to LeakyPipe reducing tee, (Leaky 'tee's' out of the side of supply pipe)
- Two - reducing straight connector, (supply pipe to Leaky)
- Two - 12-12-12 tee, (allows branching of LeakyPipe in T shape)
- Two - 12-12 straight connectors, (Leaky to Leaky repair connectors).
Two - 12mm end plugs for sealing the LP ends.
Pack of 9 fittings to bring water up and over the sides of existing raised beds, planters or troughs.
Pack of tee's and elbow's which brings water into an existing raised bed.
Simple push-fit connectors allow customisation around walls of different heights and widths.
A pack of push-fit connectors which allows creation of a non-leaking 'riser' to bring water up and over the sides of your existing raised beds. Once in the bed, the pipe size 'reduces' down to that of LeakyPipe. The LeakyPipe is laid amongst your plants on the surface of the soil or under a shallow layer of mulch/soil. A LeakyPipe 'tee' permits branching of the LeakyPipe and 2 end plugs are also included. Lastly a nail-in pipe-clip keeps the supply pipe neat on top of the wall of your raised bed.
Choose either size 16mm or 20mm supply pipe. 16mm connectors will also fit 1/2" Garden Hosepipe.
Fittings included:
- One Equal Tee (size 16/20) allows branching to the supply pipe to create a 'riser'
- Three Equal Elbows (size 16/20) allows the supply pipe to be fashioned neatly over the side of the raised bed
- One supply pipe (size 16/20) -12 reducer, Reduces pipe size from supply size to LeakyPipe size.
- One 12-12-12 tee, (allows branching of LeakyPipe in T shape).
- Two 12 end plugs (for sealing the LeakyPipe ends).
One nail-in pipe-clip (size compatible with your chosen supply pipe size)
Ever-Popular, Easy to use Battery-powered watering timer for taps.
Single output.
Automatically water your garden while you are on holiday with a simple, reliable tap timer.
Be More Efficient using our Automated Tap Timer
With a big dial to programme your watering times, this is just about the simplest timer available at a very cheap price. Two good quality alkaline AA batteries will keep this unit running unattended all summer.
- Simple connection to your tap (3/4" thread).
- 3/4" thread output (suitable for hose snap or compression fittings).
- Programmable by watering duration, time of day and day of week (eg twice per week)
- Manual bypass for easy tap use.
- Rain delay for water conservation.
- Dimensions 170mm Ht * 130mm W * 60mm D
Please bring this unit inside over winter to protect from frost damage.
Two-way cast Metal Tap Connection
A quality metal fitting to give you two hosesnap outputs.
Convert your single garden tap output into two individually controllable outputs - perhaps one for your LeakyPipe system and the other for filling buckets or connecting your hosepipe?
Unscrew your existing hosesnap connector and screw on this fitting. Comes with brass snap outputs which accept conventional 'hoselock-type' connectors.
Big Benefit. If you want to connect a timer, remove the male output fitting, fit the timer and replace the male output fitting on the bottom of your timer
Please note. These, like timers, if they are exposed to sub-zero temperatures while containing water. This water inside can freeze, expand and then break this equipment. It's a good idea to remove these, drain them and take them inside during this period of risk.
Distance between outlets is 98mm.
Dims'. 100mm Ht * 130mm W * 50mm D
16mm black polytube, available in 50m or 100m rolls
Non-porous pipe to supply water from the water source to the area which needs watering.
50m of a black, non-porous, semi rigid plastic pipe, suitable for using as a 'header' pipe or connecting LeakyPipe to a water point. The pipe is 16mm external diameter, similar to 1/2" garden hose and is compatible with our range of '16' barbed fittings. (eg 16-16-16 equal tees, 16-16 elbows etc). The fittings can be gently wiggled into the polytube and will grip on the internal surface without the need for additional clips. In very cold weather, if it is difficult to insert fittings, try dipping the end into a thermos flask of hot water for about 10 seconds and this will soften the pipe slightly. As the pipe cools, it will shrink onto the barbed fittings. Fittings can be rotated in the polytube without breaking the seal.
HoseSnap connectors which allows easy make / break connections between your garden hose and LeakyPipe.
These Hozelock-type clip on/off connectors are familiar to most gardeners and are the simplest way of bringing water to the LeakyPipe network you have laid out. Easily 'click-on' to connect your hosepipe to the LeakyPipe system when you want to water your plants. Later, disconnect 'click-off' to move your hose to another bed or to use your hose for something else.
Choose the number of outputs you would like;
- Straight - connects to one length of LeakyPipe
- Tee - connects to two lengths of LeakyPipe
Other sizes are available to connect direct to garden hosepipe, 16mm or 20mm supply pipe.